August 2, 2010

Razzleberry lemon woopie pies

Recipe to come soon, sadly, they did not last long enough after being put together for me to photograph them. I took this photo whilst mixing them up (yes, all by hand... I have no whirring contraptions in my kitchen... yet!).

I think it is my new favorite photo of me, if I do say so myself... which I do! Aprons do wonders for your mood when cooking. I wear them out and about town some days too, they are also fun as the dickins to make.

I will be making them again, and am not afraid to change the berries!

I keep waiting til I have more time, more energy, more photos, something profound to pop in my head for this poor blog. It's time to just start posting what I'm doing, no matter how silly it is. Now, let's see if I can do that!

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